It was an enjoyable and learning experience for all of us. It should improve the co-ordination amongst us. The stay was very pleasant. The "NALS" team always...
A. Palaniappan, Nataraja & Co., Coimbatore
You really rocked my day! Unforgettable day in my life for which actually I had been dreaming and waiting for... A very big and heart felt thanks...
K.M. Abhimanyu ( V std, Jayendra Saraswathy )
Hi Sir, I took the kids to KSIRS (Wall Climbing) two weeks in a row. Just wanted to let you know that the trainers, Siva, Mukesh and Darmesh all are very friendly, responsible and sweet. I’m sure it is because of your personalized training methods. They have a great attitude. It was a pleasure interacting with them.