
A summary of key events is listed here and these events have shaped NALS to what it is today. Many a milestone are mentioned briefly although they deserve to be written down more elaborately. We must humbly submit that hundreds of people have shaped NALS directly as well as indirectly.

Many of them are our former employees, associates, vendors and stake holders. We have received over 19000 customers (as of 01 Sep 2016) and many of them have given invaluable suggestions and guidance. Thousands of feedback on our programs have reinforced our beliefs and value systems. Without all these inputs and guidance NALS wouldn't be what it has become today. We take this opportunity to thank them for all their contributions, suggestions, encouragement and motivation

01August, 2024

Adventure Sports Facility @ Bengaluru

NALS inaugurates an adventure sports + OBT facility at The Sports School, Bengaluru. Elements include climbing wall, high rope course, rappelling wall, Free Fall jump, Obstacle Course and Group task. The high rope course has continuous belay system "Swiss Rollers" and provides seamless safety for the climber across 5 rope bridges. 

28July, 2023

NALS receives accreditation from Jain University, Bengaluru

 Jain [Deemed to be University] has accredited NALS and an MOU to this effect has been signed. 

09August, 2021

Govt of India renews NALS™ Adventure Tour Operator License till Dec 2026

NALS has been granted the license as APPROVED ADVENTURE TOUR OPERATOR by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India for a third consecutive period and validity of this license is till 31 Dec 2026

20January, 2020

NALS invents world’s FIRST Ladder Climbing & Championship System (LCCS)

NALS invents world’s FIRST Ladder Climbing & Championship System (LCCS). This set-up comes with a free standing climbing tower timer electronics and ranking software. NALS has applied for patent for this invention

22July, 2019

Leadership Development for rural students - Social responsibility initiative by Founder of NALS

Mr Rajendran Joghee (Founder of NALS) and his good lady Mrs Manjula Rajendran have created a fund for training economically backward students studying in Nilgiris. The objectives are to improve Leadership qualities, team building skills and stage fear. The first batch of students arrived for a 2 day program from Lalitha Matriculation school, Yellakandi.

25June, 2019

Adventure Internship for Economically backward & unemployed graduates

NALS launches FREE Adventure Internship for Economically backward & unemployed graduates. Rural students who are unable to obtain jobs are provided training at our Manjacombai facility for a period of 3 months. This is a residential program with stipend, meals and accommodation. Two graduates have joined the program with the objectives of improving their self confidence, communication skills, stage fear, etc. 

12June, 2019

NALS becomes member of ICCI - Coimbatore


28May, 2019

NALS adds Community Service to adventure programs

Students from a Chennai school cleaned & painted a village library and a school classroom, at Melur village, as part of the Community Service project. This was an add on program to the Adventure & Leadership program. NALS provided the logistics and supervision for this noble service. It is well established that community service builds humility, creativity, problem solving skills and an expansive mind in all human beings. Community service is also part of the curriculums of IB - International Bacculaureate & IAYP - International Award for Young People. Schools who have these curriculums can write to NALS.

15December, 2018

NALS participant count crosses 25,000

A whopping 25,000+ participants have visited NALS during the past 10 years. This milestone was achieved on 15 Dec 2018. We thank all our customers, our current / former employees, channel partners, business associates and vendors for the support, trust and faith in NALS. 

10August, 2018

Largest corporate group at 16,000 feet in Ladakh

42 members of PERSONIV, headquartered in Austin, Texas successfully reached an altitude of 16,000 feet - STOK BASE CAMP in Ladakh. The members of this group come from 4 countries. According to local logistic providers, this is the single largest corporate group to reach such an altitude in Ladakh. During the program, NALS delivered stress management techniques to participants. NALS is proud to be the provider of Outdoor services to PERSONIV.

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Peak of Achievement

Latest Testimonial

Its been an excellent and well appreciated effort from NALS, who had made an outstanding performance / commitment in engaging M/s. Informatica group in rope activities even though it was continuously raining. Keep up the great work...

Rajesh, N - Executive Holiday Activity, Sterling Holidays

It was an enjoyable and learning experience for all of us. It should improve the co-ordination amongst us. The stay was very pleasant. The "NALS" team always...

A. Palaniappan, Nataraja & Co., Coimbatore

This training is Amazing and good life time experience. I enjoyed all activities. Our school team spirit is very good. We are grateful to NALS and team. Keep it up.

Shanthy Rajagopal. K (S.D.H. Jain Vidyalaya School, Madurai)

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