The session has been very good. I am always interested in this subject. It has been worth my time.
I have not taken sincere notes for any other webinar, calls during this session
SK, Chennai (Webinar on Understanding Stress)
We whole heartedly thank you all for your kind co-operation and you all did wonderful job. We rediscovered oursel(ves) and (are) moving out of this place with full Zeal.
Ponmani. S (Nikita Matriculation School, Coimbatore) Student
As I rewind and recollect every aspect of the NALS Guided "Dev Bhoomi Himalayas trip" in this April , I am awestruck by the sheer enormity of this accomplishment. It was not a simple sight seeing trip or trekking expedition, but a more overdose of relaxed - self imposed Quality Leisure. Thank God.